Self Employed

Self Employed , Contractor or Small Business Owner  and Non Conforming loans

Self employed individuals, contractors and or small business owners seeking a home loan, investment loan or to consolidate an existing loan will need to satisfy a different set of lending criteria compared to non self employed individuals.

If you are self employed for more than two years, your company is trading profitably and your company financials are up to date then you should be able to apply for a standard home loan.

Whilst other people seeking a home loan will fall into a different category that applies outside the standard requirements for a home loan.

You may be self-employed and you may not have the proof of income documents usually required or have a more complex financial situation, with business and personal finances linked together.

You may have a poor credit history or be unable to provide the necessary documentation to support your application.

Perhaps you need to borrow money for your business using your home as equity.

Whatever your situation,

3 Sisters Finance has a range of products from low doc to no doc with different specialised lenders.